Synergetic School Management System

Synergetic is the School Management System (SMS) and is predominantly used for school related administrative tasks by the College staff to maintain data such as student information, class information, student results and semester reports.

Synergetic has been selected as the College SMS due to its large feature set, general robustness, ability to scale, and integrate with other large systems such as SchoolBox. In fact the SchoolBox technology was deliberately chosen to form the basis for the new Learning Management System – Citipointe Central, due to the integrations between Synergetic and SchoolBox.

On a daily basis, College staff utilise Synergetic to handle student attendance and absentees, medical records, excursions, student and staff timetables, behaviour management, and many other tasks relating to students, parents and staff.

Currently, parents have the ability to access Synergetic via the Parent Portal to book Parent Teacher Interviews, and view other contact and student information. Eventually, more features for parents will be revealed within this portal to allow greater online use of Synergetic. See the section on this site called: What is the Synergetic Portal for more information, and details of access.
