Benefits of an iPad

  • It’s light weight and portable (especially compared to a laptop)

  • Can be easily carried from class to class without having to close and reopen the screen.

  • Is not confined to use only when sitting down in a classroom. Very useful device standing or on the move.

  • Can be used to access textbooks and so reduce amount of books a student needs to carry

  • Has the ability to easily replace a diary, calendar, calculator and note taking.

  • Very fast start-up time. No need to wait for the device to go through a start process and login like on a laptop or desktop.

  • An iPad does not take up a huge amount of space on a desk. It lies flat and presents an unobstructed view for the teacher.

  • Has a touch-screen interface allowing students to engage more interactively with the content.

  • Industry leading battery life. A charged iPad will last the entire school day on constant use.

  • Plenty of educational apps available on the iPad through the App store including an app for Citipointe College called Citipointe Central.

  • Plenty of accessories available for the iPad including cases and keyboards.

  • iPad is known for its ease to use interface. This means it is an accessible device for all ages.

  • The iPad has Word, Excel and PowerPoint and is easy to use for students only familiar with Windows and Office products.

  • Apps instantly save work. Students no longer need to be worried about losing unsaved work or flash drives.

  • Relatively cost effective when compared to other durable laptop alternatives.


That the iPad is a great content-consumption device has never been disputed. But just 30 months after its launch the iPad is now in some ways a more powerful content-creation device than a laptop in the hands of students in the classroom.

iPad in Education – Apple

iPad is transforming the way we teach and learn. Powerful creative tools, interactive textbooks, and a universe of apps and content make for endless learning possibilities. All on a device everyone already loves to use.

Research on Technology in Education

Envisioning the Future of Education

This visualization attempts to organize a series of emerging technologies that are likely to influence education in the upcoming decades. Despite its inherently speculative nature, the driving trends behind the technologies can already be observed, meaning it’s a matter of time before these scenarios start panning out in learning environments around the world.

The 2013 NMC Horizon Report – K-12 Edition

This fifth edition in the annual K-12 series of the NMC Horizon Project examines emerging technologies for their potential impact on and use in teaching, learning, and creative inquiry within the environment of pre-college education. Six emerging technologies are identified across three adoption horizons over the next one to five years, as well as key trends and challenges expected to continue over the same period, giving educators, school administrators, and practitioners a valuable guide for strategic technology planning.

Student Perceptions of Classroom Engagement and Learning using iPads

Student Perceptions of Classroom Engagement and Learning using iPads

AbstractMany colleges and universities have launched iPad initiatives in an effort to enhance student learning. Despite their rapid adoption, the extent to which iPads increase student engagement and learning is not well understood. This paper reports on a multidisciplinary assessment of student perceptions of engagement and learning using iPads. Student reactions following single and multiple classroom activities using iPads were measured via a survey asking them to rate their learning and engagement using a 5-point Likert scale. Responses to the questions were grouped into thematic categories of Perceived Learning and Perceived Engagement. Students who reported a high level of engagement while using iPads reported a high level of learning as well. No effects due to age, gender, or language were found. Students who characterized themselves as comfortable with modes of e-learning reported significantly greater levels of perception of learning and engagement. Those who reported being comfortable were more likely to use iPads for learning and professional development in the future. Furthermore, a number of students who initially described themselves as somewhat uncomfortable with e-learning technology also reported interest in continuing to use iPads.