Photos of iPad Initiative Students

Year 10 Video on iPad using ShowMe

Year 4 Feedback

From the Teachers

” iPads provide a timely and relevant method of delivery that engages students on a whole other level. Behaviour management strategies are complimented,  as students quickly learn appropriate ways of working and don’t want to miss out on any part of the lesson.”

” iPads allow students to share their work, learn from each other, be inspired and offer valuable feedback.”

” iPads have allowed each and every student in the class the opportunity to explore learning further and in more depth. Before Ipads we were limited with access to technology and it was more teacher-directed rather than allowing each student to engage. Ipads have opened up doors for students to make their learning more individualised, broader and more interactive.”

From the Students

” They have made learning fun.”

” It makes learning easier because everything is on one device which is portable. ”

” You can interact with the lesson more and learn easier and faster.”

Year 7 Feedback

“The iPad is very useful because it is much easier than carrying around lots of books or waiting forever for a computer to load.”

I think the iPads are extremely helpful and engaging. Personally I think nothing more needs to be done because they are helping me with many assignments and I am sure they help many other people.”

Year 10 Feedback

The practicality in viewing documents and using the Internet is a great benefit with the iPad”

“Keeping textbooks on the iPad is a lot easier than carrying around books”

Parent Feedback

“I believe the iPad has been a great initiative in that it is very portable so homework/study is readily available anywhere, anytime.”

“Has enjoyed quick access to information that has assisted in the learning process.”

“His backpack has been much lighter and all the textbooks and other information is immediately available. He saves all his documents on the iPad and can access them quickly and also cannot lose them.”

“He found it very useful and handy for him to show his draft work to the teacher. Esp during the Science Lab when teacher ask them to take the measurement and he can record the data into the Excel spreadsheet immediately.”

“Yes – my child has embraced and managed homework independently of parents for the first time because of the introduction of the iPads. He taken responsibility to recharge the iPad every evening at home, and is loving school more than ever since the introduction of the program.”

“Thank you so much for the information sessions on iPads (plus further advise re safety, cyber bullying, etc) – I have been very impressed by these sessions. The guidance and advice provided has given me the confidence to safely manage iPad use at home, and achieve willing acceptance from my daughter re these ‘rules’.”